The Models employs many proprietary models, which were adapted from innovative concepts in finance theory, generated both in academia and from Wall Street practice. Each of the following ValuEngine models represents the state-of-the-art in fair market valuation and price forecasting technologies:

If you want to learn more about the track record of the ValuEngine models, take a look at our Research Findings. Live-tracked performance is also available on the VE Benchmark Portfolios page.

The ValuEngine Stock Valuation Model
The ValuEngine Stock Valuation Model was derived from the recent research and findings of ValuEngine's academic research team. The model is more sophisticated than traditional valuation models and outperforms its peers by employing a three-factor approach to stock valuation. Fundamental variables such as a company's trailing 12-month Earnings-Per-Share (EPS), the analyst consensus estimate of the company's future 12-month EPS, and the 30-year Treasury yield are all used to create a more accurate reflection of a company's fair value. A total of eleven additional firm specific variables are also used. Armed with these framework features, the ValuEngine Stock Valuation Model then paints a detailed picture of a company's fair value, which is represented by ValuEngine's "model price" or "mispricing".

The ValuEngine Stock Forecast Model
The predictive variables used in forecasting models include both proprietary and well-established forecasting variables derived from credible financial research studies and publications. uses a distinct forecasting model for six forecast time horizons and every industry. Our forecasting models capture, among other things, several important tendencies that stock prices consistently exhibit: Short-term price reversals, Intermediate-term momentum continuation, and Long-term price reversals. applies the most advanced statistical/econometric techniques to ensure that our stock return forecasts are as reliable as possible. In addition, we have a realistic econometric model for assessing a stock's and a portfolio's future return prospects. This econometric model involves running thousands of simulations to estimate the probability of a double in stock price as well as the probability of meeting and exceeding any given investment target by a stock or a portfolio of stocks.
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The ValuEngine Portfolio Forecast Model
The ValuEngine Portfolio Forecast tool arrives at projections by utilizing our forecasting models to estimate future returns for the individual stocks in your portfolio. After computing the future return forecasts for each stock, then runs thousands of concurrent simulations for all of the stocks in a given portfolio (subject to various econometric requirements). The thousands of simulated price paths created by this process form the basis for our Portfolio Forecast projections. Finally, the ValuEngine Portfolio Forecast tool calculates the most likely return forecast from the thousands of simulated outcomes.
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The ValuEngine Portfolio Advisor Model
The ValuEngine Portfolio Advisor enables you to specify the following portfolio objectives: Maximize the chance of meeting or exceeding an investment target, minimize the chance of loss, and both of the above. Choosing the first option will prompt Portfolio Advisor to create an aggressive yet risky portfolio. Choosing the second option will prompt Portfolio Advisor to search for a conservative mix of stocks that will seek to preserve capital. Choosing the third option will prompt Portfolio Advisor to create a balanced portfolio that will seek to both maximize potential gains and minimize potential losses. Once you have specified an investment objective, Portfolio Advisor will utilize our forecasting models to estimate future returns for the individual stocks in your portfolio. Portfolio Advisor will then examine tens of thousands of possible capital allocation plans distributed across the stocks of your choice. From the results of these simulations, Portfolio Advisor will identify and display the most favorable stock allocation for your portfolio. Additionally, Portfolio Advisor will inform you of the exact number of shares to buy or sell of each stock so that the resulting portfolio will maximize gains, minimize losses, or both.
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