VE Benchmark Portfolios Performance
VE Benchmark Portfolios are constructed to represent different trading
strategies that can be used by the professional or institution with varying
styles and risk-tolerance preferences. The purpose of these benchmark
portfolios is to provide examples of how to use ValuEngine's research to
develop portfolio strategies, and illustrate the returns that can
be achieved with such strategies. High levels of customization on
the below basic strategies can achieve higher returns, or lower volatility
and risk as needed. ValuEngine provides customized stock selection and
portfolio strategies to professionals, money managers, and institutions
world wide.
VE Diversified Growth and Aggressive Growth 100 -- Market Neutral Strategy (MNS)
portfolios consist of long holdings with 100 stocks and short holdings
with 100 stocks. Each portfolio uses a different ValuEngine proprietary
model for stock selection. Below are performance charts for the two portfolios.
To learn more, email or call (800) 381-5576
VE Diversified Growth 100 -- Market Neutral Strategy
VE Aggressive Growth 100 -- Market Neutral Strategy
Comparison of Average Returns from 2000 to present