ValuEngine View
The ValuEngine View Strategy is the product of a sophisticated stock valuation model that was first developed by ValuEngines academic research team. The View is a fairly aggressive stock strategy.
ValuEngine Diversified
The ValuEngine Diversified Strategy invests in a variety of asset classes to provide investors with stable returns and a high- dividend yield. This strategy primarily allocates across the S&P500 index, Bonds, and specific sector groups through the use of ETF’s (Exchange Traded Funds). It is a general, all purpose portfolio.
ValuEngine REIT
The ValuEngine REIT Strategy invests in REITS (Real Estate Investment Trusts) of all types in order to provide exposure to real estate markets (both residential and commercial). REITS historically have offered strong returns through both relatively high dividend payments and stock price appreciation.
ValuEngine Aggressive
The ValuEngine Aggressive Strategy invests in a variety of asset classes in order to provide investors with a higher return. The ValuEngine Aggressive Strategy mainly focuses on Stocks, but ETFs focused on commodities, stock indices, REITS, bonds, emerging markets, and other suitable products are not excluded and can from time to time appear in the portfolio. While ValuEngine research models are utilized extensively to find potential investments, this portfolio is under the direct management of ValuEngine Capital Financial Advisors. Each position is vetted individually and so unlike the other ValuEngine Capital portfolios, this strategy is not strictly quantitative. The ValuEngine Aggressive Strategy is designed for investors seeking higher returns and have a higher tolerance for risk.
ValuEngine Conservative
The ValuEngine (VE) Conservative Strategy invests in a variety of asset classes in order to provide investors with a more stable, less risky return. The strategy can contain stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, bonds, treasuries, and other investments when appropriate. While VE research is utilized extensively to find potential investments and indicate when to utilize this more conservative strategy over other more aggressive strategies, this portfolio is under the direct management of VECM Financial Advisors.